
Five Different Tips for Pruning Indoor Orchids

It is easy to prune your indoor orchids. Have a few minutes to eliminate old leaves and you will have a plant that is happy, healthy and gorgeous.

1) You can prune your Orchid’s leaves during the winter and autumn or you could do it once a year during the year. Orchids do not bloom in the autumn and winter so that it is a fantastic time to prune leaves but not a great time to prune blossoms back and stalks. You will have to go to number two, if you believe that there are leaves on your orchid.

2) Leaves which have yellowish spots surrounded by rings should be removed. They have a fungal disease, a bacterial infection or in the event of these leaves with the circles, and are diseased. Whenever you see them, not waiting until your pruning time, you should remove them. You may want to get rid of a couple to provide air flow to the orchid, for those who have leaves on an orchid which are close together.

Pruning Blade

3) Remove the ends of bloom stalks. There are a few different points of view on where on the stem the main point is that it has to be done. If the stem is dead and brown and you need to eliminate it, cut it back to about a 1/4 inch over its bottom. Cut the stalk just if you are hoping to get another blossom on the stem or a kiekie. Remove by snipping them off when they wither.

4) Always use sterilized tools. Whether you use a family scissors a pruning shears, a knife or a razor blade, it is essential to be certain the tool is not infected with a bacteria or a parasite. These can be got by all plants but orchids are prone to infection. A combination of holding the blade or water and bleach will kill any cells. It is also wise if you set your orchid to use latex gloves. Change the gloves between plants and re sterilizes your tools between crops.

5) Every few years, when you have pruned away leaves, blossom stalks and blossoms, have a look at the orchid’s origins. Remove disturbing the roots. If some of the roots appear mushy or brownish, remove with your tool. Repot the orchid in potting material in a pot that is a little bigger than the pot it was removed from. Our website will give you more additional info.

Naturally, it is important to clean your tools so as to maintain them so that they last longer. It is a good thought to disinfect your pruning tools prune. To disinfect a solution of one part bleach to nine parts water, your resources can be implemented. Follow this by drying and cleaning your resources them afterwards.